Buildmart Tiles, Kitchen & Bath is a direct importer and a part of a leading manufacturer/wholesaler in the North East. Some of our differences that set us apart from the rest:
- Direct Distribution from the Quarries & Manufacturers,
- Lowest Prices in the Northeast,Guaranteed!!!
- 3.5% Sales Tax,
- Exclusive Lines for which we are the only direct source in the region,
- Customer Loyalty Program with Attractive Discount Rates,
- Free of Charge Complete Custom Kitchen Design with 3D pictures,
- Constantly Growing and Enriching Product Lines,
- Serving from our Showroom/Warehouse conveniently located in North Jersey.

Tiles Kitchen & Bath
52 Blain ST. PASSAIC, NJ 07055
Phone (201) 299-4460 Fax: (201) 299 4461
Toll Free 1-888-252-4404 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.